Embassy in Abu Dhabi

Practical information about our embassy in Abu Dhabi.

Address and opening hours

Contact details, opening hours, map and parking of our Embassy in Abu Dhabi.
  1. Last updated on

Belgium Embassy in Abu Dhabi

Capital Plaza Office Tower, 8th floor
Corniche, Abu Dhabi - PO Box 3686
United Arab Emirates
Tel.: +971 2 410 02 00

General mail: abudhabi@diplobel.fed.be 
Visa mail: abudhabi.visa@diplobel.fed.be

Opening hours

Visitors have to make an appointment via e-Appointment

The Embassy can be reached by phone on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 12.30 am to 16.00 pm. 

The opening hours of the counter are on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 08.30 am to 12.00 pm.

At the moment we are experiencing a high level of applications and are not able to answer your visa questions by phone. Please submit all your visa related questions via mail at abudhabi.visa@diplobel.fed.be

The emergency phone is only available for urgent cases (050-441.34.60) for Belgian citizens after office hours.

The Embassy remains available by email (abudhabi@diplobel.fed.be) for questions. You can also find general information on our website.



The Embassy requests visitors to use the public car park. The car parks around Hotel Sofitel or next to Hotel Sheraton are accessible via the underpass. Valet parking at Sofitel is also possible at your own expense.

Map showing the route to the car park